La búsqueda de la identidad es un paso fundamental en el camino hacia la felicidad. Al conocernos mejor, entendemos nuestras pasiones, valores y objetivos, lo que nos permite tomar decisiones más alineadas con nuestro verdadero ser. Este autoconocimiento nos brinda una base sólida para construir relaciones significativas y encontrar un propósito, esenciales para una vida plena y satisfactoria. Al final, la felicidad se encuentra en vivir auténticamente en armonía con nuestra esencia.

Our purpose is to help people to be happier, finding and releasing their capacity for well-being.
On this page there is content on the blog with information on the science of happiness that is useful for all of us, with concepts that, if well applied, would raise our levels of well-being. Also included are the workshop and talk services that we can offer at Yourney, all with a very pragmatic approach and with a direct application in our lives. We can provide a talk on a specific topic to define personalized happiness plans.
We believe both in the dissemination of information and in the application of the principles of happiness in our daily lives and in our integral perspective of life.
“Whoever looks out, dreams. Who looks inside, wakes up "
Carl Jung
you are the
At Yourney we think that this trip can be designed, that it is in our hands to design our happiness, that it is our construction. At Yourney we rely on what we have learned from the science of happiness to design a better life, a more personal path, a happier journey. At Yourney we believe that oneself is the journey. You are the journey: Yourney.